Country: England
Distance travelled:
Weather: drizzly rain nearly all day
Keeping in mind the distance we would have to travel by Saturday, we were up early again and took advantage of the water point to fill up our tanks. We have no idea just how much water we can carry nor is there any way to judge how much we have used at any one time so we are topping up as and when we can. From Napton-on-the-Hill we worked our way through nine locks to Marston Doles and then on into the countryside.
We timed our lunch break perfectly since just as we were sitting down to eat the heavens opened up and it started to rain quite determinedly for about two hours. Everyone sat comfortably taking care of chores, Mark was sorting photos and Marion and Allister were arranging for their accommodation for the start of the next week. At about 4 o’clock, we decided to make a move and get ourselves to Fenny Compton Wharf where we planned to dine at the same pub as last time.
It wasn’t too long before we arrived, and executing a neat park in a slot between two other boats, we moored Conquerer for the night and strolled over to the pub. This is the same place as we moored on Sunday night and the meals where as good this time as previously. One more full day on board and then we have to end this idyllic interlude, it has been an wonderful adventure.