Country: Norway
Distance travelled:
Weather: Sunny and cold
When we finally woke, it was past 10am. Fully half of the motorhomes crowding the carpark last night were gone. We could see a number of gaps in the ‘front row’ at the edge of the level area so decided to move ourselves to this prime position. Mark eased the van into a two-motorhome-wide-gap carefully remembering to make sure there was room beside us. We don’t want to be accused of hogging space.
Breakfast was eaten with the bright sun shining in the front windscreen, watching the tourists stroll by on their way to the visitor centre. Our entry ticket allowed us to enter and leave as many times as we desired within a 48 hour period so we decided to take that as the equivalent of a 48 park and stay for another night. Mark hooked us up to one of the two free wifi connections using our booster antenna and I spent the afternoon catching up on some of the blog while Mark processed photos.

At about 8pm we ate dinner then strolled back through the now-full-again carpark to the visitor centre. We wanted to watch the panorama film again from a less neck craning position and last nights’ showing had been marred by a stutter and lag in the playback. We also wanted to look for a viewpoint shown on the brochure we had been given called Kings View. This appeared to be an opening in the cliff face with glass windows looking northward. On our way back to the van last night we had seen what we thought was the place from above complete with huge snow drift so now we wanted to see it from the inside if we could find the entry.
After some exploration around the room where the sound and light show was playing, a door was found with a notice informing us that the Kings View was closed due to snow. Well, I’ll say! Fully half of the open area appeared under a deep snow drift when we had peered over the cliff edge the night before but I thought it would have been removed somehow, the Norwegians seem to know how to handle snow generally. We went back to the cinema to watch the panorama film again, highly entertained by the gent sitting beside me in an almost empty theatre trying to film it with his phone camera. There was no stutter in the playback this time and it was just as enjoyable the second time around. We finished up our evening out by sharing a waffle with strawberry jam and what seemed to be either some form of yoghurt or cream. Either way, it was very enjoyable.
Once back at the van, we decided to try some time lapse photography of the sun not quite setting. The camper and tripod with intervelometer were positioned just in front of where we were parked and we settled down to wait out the three hours or so it would take to produce about two minutes worth of video. Some amusement was provided by the various people walking past an apparently unattended camera clicking away but most soon noticed us sitting in clear view in the van. And the one guy in a van conversion who felt he really wanted a view and parked out on the open area between carpark and cliff also added a highlight. It will be interesting to see the final product (we don’t currently have the correct software to string it all together) but I feel that had the clouds been better, perhaps racing across the sky, it would be more effective.
It was 2.30am when we finally stopped the camera and I back walked over to the Nordkapp monument to find a geocache I knew was there. It contained my first travel bug, which turned out to be two travel bugs tangled together when I got back to the van to look up the correct procedure for handling them. Strangely, at nearly 3am on a cold windy morning, I was not the only person strolling about although I think that guy should have had more clothes on than the knee length shorts and shirt he was wearing. Made me cold just looking at him. Definitely past time to go to bed.

Nordkapp 2nd Night